Thursday, July 8, 2010

Beginnings Part Deux

So we could go with that story start, OOORRRRR......

Make it easy on myself.

While I dislike using generic settings, in this case, it's quite handy. The FRCG details the town of Loudwater, set in the Gray Vale in western Faerun. I'll write another post about the location and surrounding areas, but it is a very promising place to start with fey adventures.

The curtain rises on our heroes, who are all in Loudwater for some reason. Though it's early August, the weather is unusually cold, and farmers fear for the harvest. (This is the tie-in to the level 2-3 Icy Spire adventure). It's morning, and the PCs are all in or around the town square. Suddenly, a chunk of the town wall explodes, a band of goblins (possibly with fey characteristics) pour in and we run the "Raid on Loudwater" scenario from the FRCG. This is followed by the "Barrow of the Ogre King" adventure, also from the FRCG. None of this necessarily has to relate to further adventures; the point is basically to give the PCs some notoriety around town.

Another short adventure (ie "Elves in the Valley", or something similar) should get the PCs to level 2. Having foiled the goblin raiders and crazy elves (or whatever), the PCs are invited to dine with Lady Moonfire (town leader), who enlists their aid in dealing with the weather situation (the "Menace of the Icy Spire" adventure). Resolving that problem firmly establishes the PCs as local heroes, should get them just to level 3, and provides the basis for further adventures in the area.

While this approach is certainly more "by the book" and doesn't have as strong of a fey flavor, it's a little more open ended if I want to allow a sand-box environment. I'll go into this more in a Locations post, but with goblins to the south, the massive High Forest with its numerous fey connections to the north, and even Waterdeep to the west and Netheril to the east, there's plenty of places for the PCs to go. By destroying the winter ward on the Icy Spire, the PCs are brought to the attention of the fey of the Dire Wood, who may demand recompense for the PCs intrusion. This could be in the form of favors, or even some acts of retaliation. As well there's the warlock's buddies (from the Icy Spire), who may come looking for the PCs for either info, revenge, or to rescue the warlock from the Feywild. All sorts of stuff could happen.

Perhaps the kidnapping by malicious fey story could still happen, just at a higher level. Don't rule anything out!

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