Thursday, July 8, 2010


As previously mentioned, I'm not a huge fan of starting in Loudwater, which is detailed in the FRCG (Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide). However, it is an extraordinarily convenient place to base the early stages of the story. It is located in the Gray Vale, in the middle of the Western Heartlands. To the south lies a goblin-infested wood, with the High Moor beyond. To the east are high mountains, with the hidden fey kingdom of Evereska and the evil Netheril empire on the other side. To the west, down river, is Waterdeep and access to the world beyond. And most intriguingly, to the north is the High Forest, well known for its fey connections, beyond which are the cities of Luruar including Everlund and Silverymoon.

Heading west and east out of Loudwater are fairly big journeys, and wouldn't be encouraged. South are the goblin and serpent kingdoms, which while do-able, would also be discouraged. I see much of the action in the Heroic Tier taking place in and around the High Forest. With its numerable links to the fey world, it is a perfect catalyst for many of those adventures. Sites within it include:
- The Dire Wood - An area of forest curiously surrounded by a ring of albino oaks, inside of which is a ring of black trees, inside of which is a half-petrified wood. Although the Dire Wood is about 4 miles in circumference to those walking around, once you are inside you find is it a good 100-150 miles across to the other side. At the heart of the wood is a strange red mesa with the ruins of an ancient Netherese city, said to house the remains of a sorcery who tried to ascend to god-hood. This is the motivation behind the Icy Spire adventure. Powerful fey control the Dire Wood, and will certainly take note of those who intrude or disrupt their plans.
- The Star Mounts are ripe for adventure. They house dragons and perhaps bird-folk. The forests at their feet could contain any sort of fey connections. A notable one is the river gorge known as Unicorn's Run, which is called the most beautiful place on Faerun. Strange crystals cover areas of the mountains, which may be a useful plot hook.
- The Lost Peaks are best known for the legendary Fountains of Memory, pools which show scenes of the past. They are well guarded by korreds, satyrs, and other fey said to be tied to Tallarn, Lord of the Dance. Quest goals could be knowledge, or perhaps recharging a relic/artifact by immersing it in a scene from its past.
- The northern eaves of the Forest are known to be controlled by an ancient treant, looking to expand his territory. It is claimed he is the guardian of the Forest.
- The northern slopes of the Lost Peaks house the Grandfather Tree, a hidden grove sacred to druids and various barbarian tribes.
- The northeastern fringes were once home to elven settlers, and their remains may yet hold mysteries.

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