Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Court of Stars

Ok, I'll start out by just exploring some of the different factions. Much of this material is just condensed from the Manual of the Planes (MotP), with some additional campaign ideas by me.

First, some general notes on the Court of Stars. From the MotP:

"Several times a year, at no set schedule, the archfey and their allies gather for a parliament and bacchanalia, merging their royal courts into one great congress. They spend the time negotiating, feasting, scheming, marrying, and betraying each other. The collected court has no true leader, but it is hosted by the archfey known as the Summer Queen. The eladrin call this assembly the Court of Stars.

Over the centuries the signatories to the Court of Stars have aligned themselves into factions. These vie for influence in the Court, which translates into arcane power and territory out in the Feywild. Most archfey and their followers count themselves as members of more than one faction, often supporting rival forces when it suits their purposes. Despite this chaotic mix of power, allegiances, ambition, and treachery, open conflict is rare in the Court of Stars. Favor is won through clever wordplay, duels using proxies, and ever-shifting schemes. Adventurers make useful cat’s-paws for eladrin nobles.

Separate from the eladrin archfey factions, the remainder of the Court of Stars is composed of attendant faeries, ambassadors from other fey races, centaur chieftains, and various interplanar hangers-on. Many creatures attending the Court have worked for decades to gain enough influence to seek an audience with the Summer Queen. Some of these attendants from other lands have gone native. They have forgotten their original missions, and they now live out their days in the wondrous, intoxicating beauty of the Feywild."

Perfect. This provides the foundation of the campaign. One or more of the factions have decided to make a move on ruling the Court of Stars, and breaking the truce that has held it together for time immemorial. Given the honor of the fey, this might have an outside influence; a deity or primordial thinking to take over the Feywild and usurp its power.

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