Thursday, March 18, 2010

Summer Fey

From the MotP:

"Tiandra, the Summer Queen, is one of the mightiest of the archfey. With a smile, she can ripen a crop, and with a frown, summon wildfires. Noble eladrin infused with the spirit of summer, count themselves as her barons. Other spirits of growth and good favor follow her banner. Her court and its followers are known as the Summer Fey.

Tiandra appears as an eladrin of great beauty, with honey-colored skin and hair that shimmers through all the colors of autumn leaves. Her eyes shine golden, like the sun. Her gaze alone can drive people mad.

The Summer Queen’s Court, in the palace of Senaliesse, is a reflection of her unearthly beauty, and the court can appear frivolous. Fairies flit at her side. Every inch of her throne room is decorated with flowers, fountains, and fine silks. This vivid and rich sensual imagery is all merely a distraction from her fierce intelligence. Tiandra is a master strategist, both in the Court intrigues and on the battlefield. She also possesses an odd, dry sense of humor and a surprising
streak of pragmatism.

Tiandra has an amused fondness for mortals. She craves the unpredictability and urgency instilled by their brief life span. She commands performances by mortal playwrights and commissions poems from poets who strike her fancy. She even goes so far as to take the occasional mortal lover. These relationships have tempered in her the disdain most archfey carry for mortals. She is nominally less fickle in her dealings with mortals than most other powerful fey. The Summer Queen has granted favors to those who serve her well."

The Court of Stars meets in her abode at Senaliesse, described on MotP page 46. This is the center of the intrigue surrounding the Court of Stars, and invitations to this place are rare. This would be a location the PCs would visit maybe mid-paragon, when they've done deeds worthy of notice, and they would return here throughout their adventures.

The Summer Fey are more or less allied with the Green Fey, though Tianna and Oran (lord of the Green Fey) can sometimes be at odds. One of the goals of detractors in the faction war would be driving a wedge between the Summer and Green Fey, as together, their alliance easily outmatches the other faction's strength. Though nominally the "good guys", it must be remembered that the Summer Fey are just as capricious as the other fey, and cannot be trusted any more than the other factions. The Summer Fey would not start a faction war, and would be hesitant to escalate it, but when threatened, they will certainly bend all their strength to their defense.

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