Thursday, March 18, 2010

Green Fey

From the MotP:

"Oran, the Green Lord, is the greatest of the archfey of nature. He could be mistaken for an elf, albeit one a head taller and far more muscular than any other elf in existence. Oran’s wild eyes are jet black and set in a rugged face the color of oak. His thatched hair is a mess of brambles and long braids. As a hunter and woodland warrior he is unrivaled. It is said even the god Corellon regards him with a cautious respect. Oran is attuned to every branch and bough, every stream in every forest of the Feywild. In addition to elves who dwell in the Feywild, he has the loyalty of many treants, dryads, and satyrs. Those fey who pledge fealty to Lord Oran are known as the Green Fey.

If Oran has one weakness, it is the wild nature of his heart. He can fall sway to mood swings as violent as thunderstorms. His relationship with Tiandra, for example, is legendary. It was Oran who sculpted Tiandra’s palace of Senaliesse. Over the centuries, they have been lovers, they have been deadly rivals — and once, for two hundred years or so, they managed to be both at the same time. The fey of the Court often try to win favor by supporting one regent or the other in these times of romantic turbulence. At the present, the relationship of Oran and Tiandra is that of passionate friendship. Lord Oran is aware of his impetuous nature, and he values Tiandra’s cool intellect to temper his decisions. They often act in tandem when the Court of Stars is in session, particularly on matters of security and warfare.

Although Lord Oran is the most powerful of the Green Fey, many other perilous archfey also belong to this faction."

One of these is the Eochaid, detailed in Dragon #381 (Nov/09). He is nature and magic made manifest, and seeks to protect artifacts and expand the power of fey magic. Capricious and amoral, he considers the mortal world "mundane" and will protect the sanctity of the feywild at all costs.

As mentioned in the Summer Fey entry, driving a wedge between the Green and Summer Fey would be the keystone in any plan to upset the balance of power in the Court of Stars. Inflaming Oran and Tiandra's relationship would be the first step, and division will follow. Perhaps she has taken yet another mortal lover, and he finally grows tired of her fickleness. With a traitor in his camp, this could be stoked into violent hatred. If the PCs decide to support the status quo, exposing this traitor and reuniting Oran and Tiandra would be paramount.

A possible complication would be earning the enmity of one or both sides. Perhaps the PCs are held responsible for some terrible wrong done to the Feywild, and correcting this wrong would be the first step towards returning to Oran's good graces. Wild and tempestuous, anything could set the Green Fey off, severely hindering the PCs.

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