Saturday, March 6, 2010


As most of my D&D experience has revolved around the Forgotten Realms, it only makes sense to continue the tradition. Here's some ideas from the FR Campaign Guide that might be interesting to expound on:

- Page 50: The Spellplague. This has had a major effect on the current state of affairs in Toril, and our current campaign hasn't touched it at all. Spellplagued creatures at least would be interesting, even if it's just a journey through a pocket of plaguelands on the way to somewhere else.

- Page 53: Fey Sites. I have an idea that the Feywild will feature heavily in my campaign idea, so this is good stuff to note. Fey Mounds could be burial sites of power with guardians that must be visited, and there's any number of options for Fey Crossroads, portals to the Feywild. Other good stuff is on page 68, about Feywild lore. Fey-related kingdoms include the Yuirwood in Aglarond, Cormyr (ally to Myth Drannor and the fabled "Queen of Thorns" sleeping in the King's Wood), the Dalelands (ally to Myth Drannor and home to Cormanthyr Forest, Shadowdale, etc), Estagund (Nacmoran), Evereska, Evermeet, Luruar, Moonshae Isles, Myth Drannor, Rashemen (Ashenwood, Erech Forest), Sea of Fallen Stars (Myth Nantar), and Tethyr (Wealdath Forest).

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