Thursday, March 18, 2010


The MotP details this more closely, but some places of interest to note:

- Astrazalian, City of Starlight: An eladrin city which exists in the mortal world during the Spring and Summer, and spends the Fall and Winter in the Feywild. While in the mortal world, it is locally well known and commercially available. In the Feywild, it is under constant attack from fomorians and other evil fey who could use it as a stronghold for raids in the mortal world. The leader of the city is a relative to Tiandra of the Summer Fey, and service to Astrazalian is looked on favorably in her court.

- Brokenstone Vale: Home of lycanthropes in the Feywild, visiting here could be related to a side trek for the Maiden of the Moon. Perhaps she wishes to purge it, or the PCs learn of a plot between fomorians/lycanthropes to ambush and slay the Maiden; defending her would earn her trust.

- Cendriane: Eladrin city ruin, haunted by undead and holding ancient secrets.

- The Feydark: Fey equivalent of the Underdark, home to various fomorian and goblin kingdoms, etc. One of these is Harrowhame, ruled by a bipolar fomorian king with ties to Brokenstone Vale. A variety of adventures await here, as the dark fey seek to take advantage of the faction war to claim as much power and territory for themselves as possible. The center of power in the Feydark lies with the insane(?) lord of Mag Tureah. This underground realm has unstable ties to the mortal realm and possibly the Far Realm, and the fomorian king may not be as mad as everyone thinks he is. If he was able to unite the underground tribes, he'd be virtually unstoppable.

- Maze of Fathaghn: A dryad wood protecting the Mother Tree, this might be the location of something important. Perhaps the wood of the Mother Tree is necessary to heal Oran or something.

- Mithrendain, the Autumn City: Detailed further in Dragon #366, this timeless eladrin city sits atop a carefully guarded sealed portal to the feydark. The adventure "The Dark Heart of Mithrendain" in Dungeon #157 (Aug '08) is a 10th level adventure for PCs just stumbling into the Feywild - maybe a great transition to the feywild portion of the campaign.

- The Murkendraw: The darkest swamp of the feywild, and the life that fills it is just "wrong." It is home to various fey beasts and monstrosities, most notably hags, the greatest of whom is Baba Yaga, keeper of secrets. She is evil but can be bargained with, though her deals are treacherous - "Few are wise enough to outwit her, and the truly wise don't even try." (MotP)

- Nachtur, the Goblin Kingdom: Ruled by a goblin wizard chief trying to establish some semblance/credibility of civility, Nachtur might have a mercenary part to play in the faction war. Or perhaps a courier or something was kidnapped/stolen by them and must be liberated.

- Senaliesse: Home of the Summer Fey and the Court of Stars. Likely not visitable until late paragon tier.

- Shinaelestra, the Fading City: An eladrin city of rangers, which worldfalls into a savage area of the mortal realm between midnight and dawn every day. It is also threatened by the fomorian kingdom of Vor Thamil, ruled by a mad queen trying to emulate her insane idea of a "civil and formal royal court" (I'm envisioning something like Alice in Wonderland's the Queen of Hearts, only crazier). PCs captured by her must bow to her whims or be horrifically killed; perhaps this is a result of some PC action gone wrong and they must formulate an escape.

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