Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thinking Fey

Having looked through the Manual of the Planes, I think it would be a lot of fun to do a campaign which centered around the intrigues of the Feywild Court of Stars - the Summer Fey, the Winter Fey, the Gloaming Fey, the Sea Lords, etc. Part adventure, part politics, there would be all sorts of avenues for both RP and Combat.

It's not just every mortal adventurer who gets invited to the Summer Court, and so things would have to work up to that. It would initially be a set of adventures in the early to mid-heroic tier that brings the adventurers to the attention of one or several Archfey. By levels 6-9, they would be undertaking initial missions for various fey lords. At paragon tier, they would find themselves in the Feywild, adventuring through various demesnes and becoming more entwined in fey politics. Much of this level of adventure could be more sand-box than linear, as various factions approach them and offer rewards for service. The choices of the PCs would determine future options and consequences. Perhaps the epic finale of the campaign would be an all-out faction war in the Feywild, and the allegiances of the PCs would determine the lordship of the Summer Court and it's cosmological effects.

The directions this could go are all over the place. The starting point would be outlining the story, and the motivations of the various factions. Because there are multiple events going on simultaneously, the PCs will obviously not be involved in everything. While they are on a mission for the winter fey, the summer fey have something else going on which will have impacts when the PCs return from their current mission. How the characters play the politics game will have corresponding results on the options available to them. While the storyline would have certain inevitable milestones, the state of affairs when that milestone is reached will vary and will impact how things progress to the next milestone.

This could be a lot of fun to plan out. A cross-planar political intrigue campaign. I know I haven't played anything like this before, should be an interesting exercise. I'll work on the story and faction motivations first, and once that's outlined, I can figure out how to work the PCs into the mix.

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